Nov 13, 2016 Announcements
11/13 Registration for Video Winter Training -The registration deadline is Nov 1st, 2016 and is closed. Saints may still register. There will be late donation fee after Nov 1st. The donation fee is $100 (including outline) + late fee. The video training will be conducted from January 10 to January 21. Please register to Bro. Andi.
11/13 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Returning to the Orthodoxy of the Church – Week 1 – The Vision of the Glorious Christ as the Son of Man Walking in the Midst of the Golden Lampstands.
11/15 Chinese Speaking Prayer Meeting at Church House, 7:00 pm.
11/18 English Speaking Prayer Meeting at Sis. Lai’s, 7:30 pm.
Giving for the UK Building Fund – There is a financial need for the purchase of Bower Farm, for the construction of new facilities at Bower House, Bower Farm, and Woodland Camp. If you are led by the Lord to contribute, you can designate your offering for “UK Building Fund”.
Giving to support the gospel work in Europe – Those that are led to give to support the gospel work in Europe can designate your offering for “Gospel Work in Europe”.
Giving to building fund for the meeting hall of the church in Honolulu – Those that are led to give to support the meeting hall of the church in Honolulu meeting hall can designate your offering for “Building Fund”
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