July 12-14, 2019
“God has blended the Body together” I Cor. 12:24
To the saints in the Lord’s recovery:
We are pleased to invite you to join the saints in Hawaii for a weekend conference with Brothers Mark Raabe and David Chen in Honolulu. We look forward to being blended and built together with brothers and sisters from many different localities under the speaking of the ministry of the age. The churches in Hawaii endeavor to remain in the up-to-date ministry and in the blending life of the Body of Christ. Please prayerfully consider joining us for this time of blending, enjoying, and building.

Conference meetings will be shared in English; translation will be provided into Chinese accessible over the phone. There will be a conference number set up, in which saints can call in to listen to the translation of the messages into Chinese language.
Meeting Venue:
All conference meetings will be held at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in The Biomedical Building, Room B103. Childcare will be provided in the same complex, Room T211.
There is on-campus parking for a fee, and free street parking on University Avenue after 6PM. Please note that on the Lord’s Day, parking is free on campus. As the booking confirmation of the room is not available at this time, we will announce the exact room location prior to the conference.
We have arranged a special conference rate of $131.00/night for Single-quad occupancy (before taxes and amenities fee) with Pagoda Hotel Honolulu if reserved by June 12, 2019. Attendees will be responsible for confirming their own reservations by calling Reservations at Toll Free 800.472.4632 or email to [email protected]. Attendees should refer to BLENDING CONFERENCE 2019 under GROUP NAME Church in Honolulu to confirm the group rate. There is a self-parking at the hotel for $13/day.
There are also limited spaces for hospitality with the local saints. Please request hospitality if you need, we will contact you regarding the availability of hospitality.
Please click on the link here www.tinyurl.com/cihblending2019 to register yourself for the conference. There is no conference fee.
Contact Information:
Please feel free to contact us with any questions. We look forward to meet you in Hawaii! If you have any query, please let one of the following brothers know:
English Speaking
Joe Parriott: [email protected], 310.367.1418
Harry Monheim: [email protected], 808.352.1815
Chinese Speaking
Peter Wong: [email protected], 808.554.5843